Saturday, April 19, 2008

If I had one month to live...

If I had only one month to live, I would probably first of all freak out. I would also be upset because I want to do so many things. Then I would realize that I better get over it and do those things, or it is never going to happen because in a month its all over. Besides who whats to leave their upset. I think this is a great blog topic and I cant wait to write about it. So here is what I would do if I found out I had one month to live.

The first thing that I would want to do is read the whole Bible; of course I couldn't do it in one day so I would spread it out over the month, but I would love to read all of God's word even if I didn't have a lot of time to live by it. The next thing I would do is go sky diving. Why would I do this? No, its not like most people just for the heck of it because your dying anyway. I would because Leah and I made a promise a while back that we would go sky diving at 97, but if I only had a month then we I would have to settle for fourteen . I would go on a trip with my family to New York City because I always wanted to go there since I was little. I wanted to live there when I was like six or seven, and I would hate to go out of this world without seeing it. It would also give me a chance to spend time with my family. I would make a album and let it go public before I died so maybe I would become famous after all. It would include a rap by Riki, Jordan, and I and a theme song by Cameron and me. I would LOVE meet the Olsen twins and Oprah. I have loved the Mary-Kate and Ashley since forever and always wanted to be just like them. I have also grown up watching Oprah because after school when I stay with my great-grandmother she watches it, and it has been my dream to meet her. I would fly to some exotic ocean with all kinds of fish, dolphins, squids, octopuses, and things like that. I would take Ayla so we could really swim with all the fish instead of pretending in the reflection fish tanks. I would want to go out and go on a mission trip with a really good cause for a couple of days and make a difference. I would take a two day trip to California with Gayla and Mrs. Lemmon to see all the things Gayla talks about. I would go to a concert since I have never been to one. I think I would go see Paramore, Fall Out Boys, or Taylor Swift. I would fly over the north or south pole to see what they look like because I often wonder. With all these plane rides I would also get to ride in a plane, which I have never done. I would go on a ski trip with my class. I have been skiing before with my church, but I didn't get past green because I goofed off too much. I would go and get on the mountain that I walked down and ski down it. I would take my class to spend time with them because I love all of them and have known some of them since I was four. I would want to tell everyone that even meant anything to me what they meant. I wouldn't leave anything out, and wouldn't care what people thought. I would go and visit a nursing home or a children's hospital and spend all day there just talking. I would have Christmas just one more time with my family regardless or the month or season. Everyday I would watch the sun come up and go down. I would ask the author of the Clique books to let me read the rest or the summer collection ever though she is not releasing them for a while. I would try to break the world record of hula-hooping. (I am really good at it.) I would eat whatever I wanted and try all the foods that I never have. I would give all the money I have been saving up from babysitting, other odd jobs, and holidays to a Locks of Love so it would go to a good use. I think I would get re-baptized even though it is not necessary. I would hope that we would have the school dance before I died, and would dance the night away and have a a blast. I would love to be in Seventeen magizine. Even though I don't play anymore, I would like to pick piano back up and play at my church one Sunday. I would try to get cheerleading tryouts moved up. I wouldn't be upset if I didn't make it; I just want to try out for varsity cheerleading like I always wanted to do. If i made it, I would be ecstatic. I would spend my last days with my love ones. I would have a picnic and pool party on my last day. I would tell everyone I know not to have any regrets about anything having to do with me. I would forgive everyone and ask them to forgive me. I would want no hard feelings or any unsaid feelings. Everyone that a know I would want them to tell me their feelings for me good or bad.I want to go out of the world with a blast and not laying in my bed waiting for it. I would sleep under the stars that night and hopefully die in my sleep.

I would write a will. Here is my will: I would take my clothes to school one day and let people take what the what that way they would always have a way to remember me. Naturally, I would let my sister have the rest of our room. Heather or Leah would get my phone because they are always borrowing phones and need one. I would let Jordan have my Ipod touch because I still haven't wrote down all my songs for her. Heather would get my locker because hers is stuffed, and thing fall on her. I think having two lockers would help. Riki would have my camera since Ryan Franks lost her camera in Louisiana. All of the quilts my great-grandmother has made me would go to John and Tiffany . My mom and dad would have all my Cotton Pickin Fair dolls(as I call them, they are handmade soft bodied dolls, its hard to explain)because they would bring back great memories. I hope all of these things would remind the people of me.

I really liked this blog topic. It really got me to think of the things I want to do. I am not sure if all these things are possible, but it sure would be what I would really want to do. It would be hard if this was a reality. The truth is that most people don't know when they are going to die. They can't plan what they are going to do like this. Death is usually unexpected. I think death wouldn't be so bad if we knew a month in advance, but we don't know. I guess its true; live your life like today is your last.

Monday, March 31, 2008


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Joy!!!! <3

What brings me joy? Who do I bring joy to? Well, isn't that a hard one. I know what brings me joy the most, laughing; it is something you can hardly describe. Usually laughing is what you sometimes do when you have joy but for me the action brings me joy. It is like it’s turned around. When I laugh, I don’t think about anything else; it is as if I am floating on air. It makes everything seem all right. Laughing brings me lots of joy. I also give joy to people by making them laugh. I am a pretty funny person without even trying so I guess that is one of the ways I give people joy everyday. Another thing that brings me joy is helping people. Sometimes I don’t want to and I just don't feel like taking time out to do it. Most of the time it is a joy to help people. When I get done, I feel like I did something good. I think in my head that I would want someone to do the same thing for me, and it makes me feel joyful that I could do something that I know someone appreciates. In that way, I also bring joy to the person I am helping. Going shopping brings me joy, it feels so cool to look at all the different cloths and choose the ones that I like. I guess you could say that making a decision about what I like brings me joy. Though I don't always what to go and don't always see it I enjoy school. I like to see everyone there not just my friends; I get to socialize and I love that. More importantly I like to learn new things, and it makes me joyful that my parents love me enough to send me to FRA so I will have a great education. Another way I bring joy to total strangers is by smiling and giving them a bolt of joy you get when you see someone smile. Little kids when they say the craziest things bring me joy. Purses also bring me joy, I really don't understand why, but they do. I bring joy to people by being strange, crazy, upbeat, and weird I defiantly keep there lives from being boring.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Three things I value are faith, friends, and family. I value faith because no matter what, God is always there for you. He will he help you though all life's situations. I show that I value faith by going to church. It is really not a chore to me to go to church because I really enjoy it and try to be there often. That is how it should be, you should like to go to church. I have a pretty good youth group, and I know them pretty well. I also show it by praying. I usually pray at night before I go to bed. Sometimes I pray in the morning or during day because you can pray anytime you want. At church we have a Sunday school book and we have to read a chapter during the week. I show my value of faith by putting it before TV, and reading it for church. I also show its importance by going to church camp instead of doing other thing, but its always fun if Gayla comes along. I always learn a lot at camp. I also value my friends. I will try to help them out when they need it. I show that I value them by respecting them. I honor and trust what they say. If they tell me something I now I can take that to heart. I value that I don't have to guess if my friends are telling the truth. I care about their feelings and don't what to hurt them. I show their value to me my thinking about the things I say to them, and I don't come across as insulting or mean. I like to complement them to make them feel amazing cause they don't always it in themselves. I make sure no one tries to trick them and tell them what I think they should do if they want me to and ask. I don't like to take my feelings out on them just because they are there and I can. I try to keep my cool although I do blow up like everyone does, nobody is perfect. I value my family so much. I would give up anything for them. I love my family. They give me advice and support in everything I do. Each person in my family has a special part and role in my life. I show that I value them by helping in anyway I can to make things a little easier on them. I show that I value my mom and dad by doing things around the house that I see that needs to be done. I show that I value to my brother and sister by helping them with school and studying with them, and by making sure they get done what they need to. Also, I give them advice and sometimes pretending what they say is they most important thing to me. Being the oldest of three kids can be though but very rewarding. I like that my values are what they are. I wouldn't let ANYONE take any of my values away. It is important to have values without them there is nothing to focus on. Values are what motivates people to keep living.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The people you trust?!?!

Friends, yes I know what an overused topic. Many people write about it, but this is about friends in general. This blog is not about MY friends or anyone else it is just how I generally feel about them. Friends there super great, but they can be super bad. In the dictionary the definition of friends is "A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts." This is true if this person is really your friend. Although a friend means someone that you can trust, people can misuse the word. They can say they are your friend but they really are not. They could be using you to get up in life, to get something or someone, to make someone mad, or to hurt you. They could be hanging out with you as a joke or to see what you are talking about. Some people will be your "friend" for a while because they are having a fight with their real friend. Sometimes we are blind to these things because we trust them with all our heart or think they are always there for us. You might see them hurting you but you like them so much that you over look it. The definition says that you know the person. It may be speaking of just knowing who they are, their name. If I were to write the dictionary my definition is to really know them. The things about them that make them special. Their feelings about the world, their morals, what they believe in, and what will upset them. If you don't know about someones morals then the way you have been raised and the way they have will clash. I am not saying that one way is wrong and one is right or you can't be friends with someone that does this or that. I am saying that if they will clash and fight about their differences all the time. For some they can work it out, but for me I can't because I believe in things and it is hard for me to change. I personally don't want to change my beliefs and I wont. If their are only a few things then it will work out fine. Everyone needs at least one best friend. That is really all you if it is really a real friend. A friend doesn't have to be your age or sex. A friend can be someone your related to or not related to. As my part in the play at school says, a friend can be anything you like as long you like them. A good friend is always their for you, they will stand for you, you can trust them with the world, and you can look at them and tell what they are thinking. Friends are a place to fall if you need to sometimes. You cant take things all the time sometimes you just need to be upset. Most friendships end usually for stupid reasons that don't really matter. Sometimes people get tired of each other things happen and you cant make them be your friend. Friends can hurt you as much as they help you. They might tell something that only they know about you. They could make up lies about you. It doesn't matter what it is it still hurts. It hurts if someone you have trusted in all this time just does things to you. It seems like all that time you spent with them goes up in smoke. I know these things from experience and from observing. Friends is a big IF.

Monday, August 27, 2007


Since it is just the second full week of school I'll write about how it is going so far. That answer would be surprised. This year I have found myself surprised about everything. The first thing that surprised me right off was that everyone is getting along way better than I thought. To tell you the truth starting this school year I had no idea about who my friends were. The first say hour or so of school I could tell who was going to "hang out" together. I was very happy at what I saw. The one thing that stuck out was Alya, Kristin, Cameron, Riki, and I were getting along great. I had been wanting to be friends with Kristin, Ayla, and Cameron for most of last year, but they seemed very tight nit and didn't really like Riki and I sitting with them. Also, we all usually couldn't get along. This year it just all fell in place and it seems we have all been friends for years. Of course that's not all my friends Jordan, Gayla, and Lauren are great to sit with to:I was just extremely surprised about the other three. Anyway that's going great and that makes life that much easier. Another surprising thing is 8th grade, as far as classes go, is very different. I was not expecting so many changes 6th and 7th grade were so much the same I assumed 8th would be the like that. I think I was wrong. It is the same in some ways of what to expect but the work is just different. It is a lot more challenging, but I guess that is to get us ready for high school. I am glad they are doing it though because I'm use to them and if they get us ready it will be better than teachers you don't even know. I am sure when I do go to high school that it will be a lot harder than this though. Also, I'm not use to doing school work from such a long summer once I get use to it all it will probably become a routine. The new kids Heaven and Alex are also surprising in a good way. They are both really cool kids and I'm glad the came to FRA. I was kind of worried about them coming for a while but now I'm glad they came. Both of them are very nice so far which for me is surprising. I was expecting two kids that were going to make everything totally different and be very mean, but they didn't and they aren't. Neither of them seem as if they were new but as if they had been here for a while. I hope they feel the same way. AR has been surprisingly easy and fun. I think I like to read.(for now anyway) I am also surprised that I am liking cheerleading which I thought I wasn't. Sometimes I hate it because it seems pointless because everyone else thinks it is. Believe it or not it is hard work you know. If you don't believe me then try it. Sometimes I get tired of people making fun of cheerleading; that's when it all seems pointless all that work for people making fun of you. This year it seems surprisingly point full I don't know why because it is just like every year but it does. One more surprising thing is how 8th grade doesn't feel so seniority like, like people say. At least to me. I don't think the 6th graders feel as scared as I was of the 8th graders when I was is 6th grade. I think our class is losers. I'm just kidding. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, the 6th graders not being scared. It could be good because it might make their year easier. It could be bad because then 8th grade wouldn't be different which would mean they might start being mean to us. That would be crazy. Maybe, 8th graders feel the same thing and I just don't see the seniority. Another thing I don't even know half the 6th grade. I did last year because my brother is in that class but there are so many new kid (13 I think ) that I feel overwhelmed with all the faces I don't know in the hall. With brings me to yet another surprising thing. I forgot how bad the halls were. I remembered Aug 16, I think they got worse. Sometimes I'll be standing in the hall with some 8th graders trying to go to one class and some 6th or 7th graders trying to go to another class and we will meet in the middle and no one moves because we get stuck. I think this is crazy and we will just stand there until someone realizes that someones got to move. But any way my last surprising thing is how easy it was to write this blog and how good it feels after writing it. I'm not sure if this is what I'm suppose to be doing or even if it sounds great and I really don't care. This is the first blog that I didn't have to think and think about what to write and the first one I actually felt good about after I wrote. I don't even no why. Anyway I'm surprised that I wrote a blog that I had no idea what I was writing about when I started and how long it is and how short it seemed to write it.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Life...Friends...New Kids...Skidaway...and the Pursuit of Happiness

It seems as though as soon as the year winds down everyone gets in place and used to it. It is like as soon as everyone starts to get along the year is over. Next year we will more than likely have a new person, so what I have heard. That is the only thing I hate about new people, you have to get use to them. Our class until the middle of this year had not had a new kid in while and we all knew each other very well. On the other hand, I like new people it gives you a shake up. I am glad our class is getting along so well. It makes things so much easier. Well I say we are getting along, let me rephrase that I THINK we are getting along. I have made news friends and started being more friendly to others. I have found that a lot of friends are great. You still need a couple of real close ones though. Sometimes if your around someone all the time you start to get one each others nerves. That's when a lot of friends are great. I really have no problem with anyone in my class. I consider all of them my friends. That's the way I am most of the time. I am not one of those people that a lot of things get on my nerves so I can get along with almost anyone if they are willing. If a person does get on my nerves I usually just keep my cool and don't say anything. If I do get mad I am mad. But it is hard for me to get real mad with most people. I also learned not to suddenly let out your anger in a drastic way without sleeping on it. New people probably have time getting use to our class. Sure we are nice and we get along or seem to. What is hard for a new person is to find their place in our class. Everyone can find a place in time. I want to see if the new people are good kids. Then I like them. I am always as helpful as I can be to new people but it is hard to tell them the whole class history. I wish I could but there is not enough hours in a day. But again seeing are class back to getting along is awesome. I hope it stays that way. Just in time for Skidaway which by the way I can not wait for. Hmmm..........wander wonder who I will room with. I wish Mrs. Riggins would hurry and choose groups. I personally do not care but I know some people that do.